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Remove all parent node's content if any child node has no value

I want to remove the parent node if any of its children have no value.
I've tried several methods and nothing works. Remove "S_Industry_Code" parent and all its child nodes if child node "E_Code_List_Qualifier" or "E_Industry_Code is blank. I want a generic case so the code can be used in other empty parent or child nodes too. Please help! Any suggestions?

namespace TEST
    class Remove_Empty_Tags
        public static void Main()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();               
            new RemoveNulls().RemoveEmptyNodes(doc);    

   class RemoveNulls
        public void RemoveEmptyNodes(XmlDocument doc)
            XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//node()");
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                if ((node.Attributes != null && node.Attributes.Count == 0) && (node.ChildNodes != null && node.ChildNodes.Count == 0))
                  //  node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); //removes only nodes that are blank
                      node.ParentNode.RemoveAll(); //removes child nodes leaves empty parent 
                  //  node.ParentNode.ParentNode.RemoveAll(); //removes everything
// Content of XML file
  <T_Requisition_511R Standard="X12">
          <E_Industry_Code>    </E_Industry_Code>
          <E_Industry_Code>   </E_Industry_Code>


  • string xml_string = @"<File>...</File>";
    var xml = XElement.Parse(xml_string);
    var empty = xml.Descendants()
                .Where(d => d.Elements().Count() == 0 && d.Value.Trim() == "")
                .Select(d => d.Parent);