I've transferred my database and entire Wordpress file structure over to the live site, but the live site is still looking for all its resources at localhost:8888/.
I looked back on what I did when getting started and I edited my gulpfile.js
to include
var browserSyncOptions = {
proxy: 'localhost:8888',
notify: false
Thinking this was the issue, I switched it to proxy: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
, but still no luck. Any ideas for what I may be doing wrong?
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a single bit of information about deploying an understrap themed site. Here are the docs for the theme though: https://understrap.com/demos/core/wp-content/themes/core-understrap/docs/.
I've transferred my database and entire Wordpress file structure over to the live site, but the live site is still looking for all its resources at localhost:8888/.
That is an easy to way to get into live server maintenance hell. UnderStrap is a unique theme package because it has strong npm dependencies running in the back-end that are appropriate for localhost development builds. For that reason, Here is an alternative approach I recommend instead.
Test your site, then go live.