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Natural sorting in pandas

I have this data in pandas

data = [
        ['ID', 'Time', 'oneMissing', 'singleValue', 'empty', 'oneEmpty'],
        ['CS1-1', 1,  10000, None, None, 0],
        ['CS1-2', 2, 20000, 0.0,  None, 0],
        ['CS1-1', 2, 30000, None, None, 0],
        ['CS1-2', 1,  10000, None, None, None],
        ['CS1-11', 1, None,  0.0,  None, None],
        ['CS1-2', 3, 30000, None, None, None]

that I try to sort by ID and Time columns so the result should be like

        'CS1-1', 1,  10000, None, None, 0
        'CS1-1', 2, 30000, None, None, 0
        'CS1-2', 1,  10000, None, None, None
        'CS1-2', 2, 20000, 0.0,  None, 0
        'CS1-2', 3, 30000, None, None, None
        'CS1-11', 1, None,  0.0,  None, None

I'm using pandas dataframe for the sorting, also tried together with natsort, but I can't get it to work. Either I get errors that the index includes duplicates (I use ID as the index) or it sorts by string values.

The ID here is just an example. I don't know what format it will be, it might be NUMBER-LETTER or NUMBER LETTER NUMBER. I just need to compare all numbers as a number. I've looked at "natsort" and that seems to do correct for an array. So I think it should be possible to use that to sort the ID and then re-index the data.

I've looked at multiple sources like these, but without any luck: Alphanumeric sorting Sort dataframes


  • Use str.extract, sort_values, then use the index to reindex df.

    idx = (df.assign(ID2=df.ID.str.extract(r'(\d+)$').astype(int))
             .sort_values(['ID2', 'Time'])
           ID  Time  oneMissing  singleValue empty  oneEmpty
    0   CS1-1     1     10000.0          NaN  None       0.0
    2   CS1-1     2     30000.0          NaN  None       0.0
    3   CS1-2     1     10000.0          NaN  None       NaN
    1   CS1-2     2     20000.0          0.0  None       0.0
    5   CS1-2     3     30000.0          NaN  None       NaN
    4  CS1-11     1         NaN          0.0  None       NaN

    This is under the assumption that your ID column follows the pattern "XXX-NUMBER".

    A fool-proof solution will involve the use of the natsort module, which excels at fast natural sorting. With a little elbow-grease, we can argsort your data.

    from natsort import natsorted
    idx, *_ = zip(*natsorted(
        zip(df.index, df.ID, df.Time), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2])))
           ID  Time  oneMissing  singleValue empty  oneEmpty
    0   CS1-1     1     10000.0          NaN  None       0.0
    2   CS1-1     2     30000.0          NaN  None       0.0
    3   CS1-2     1     10000.0          NaN  None       NaN
    1   CS1-2     2     20000.0          0.0  None       0.0
    5   CS1-2     3     30000.0          NaN  None       NaN
    4  CS1-11     1         NaN          0.0  None       NaN

    Use PyPi to install: pip install natsort.