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Intellij 2018.3.1 Unable to dump project structure from SBT project

Updating to Intellij Ultimate 2018.3 from 2018.2 broke the project sync of one of my project under SBT.

It is depending on another git repo in build.sbt

val commonScheme = "git+ssh://git@"
lazy val commonsGit =
      ProjectRef(uri(s"${commonScheme}"), "commons")        
lazy val root =  Project("root", file("."))

During project import, Intellij can dump the project structure but fails to import to Intellij project model with the following error : URI scheme is not "file" :

intellij fails to import to project model

Here is the output of the project build console :

;reload; set in Global := "download resolveClassifiers" ;*/*:dumpStructureTo /private/var/folders/fh/63rcbt095332gl82cg0zv_p00000gn/T/sbt-structure.xml; session clear-all
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/me/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/me/dev/base-project/project
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/me/.sbt/0.13/staging/0f1bc3a71daf6972d134/ak-spark-common/project
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
[info] Defining */*:sbtStructureOptions
[info] The new value will be used by */*:ssOptions
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
[info] Resolving [dependencies]
[info] Writing structure to /private/var/folders/fh/63rcbt095332gl82cg0zv_p00000gn/T/sbt-structure.xml...
[info] Done.
[success] Total time: 31 s, completed Dec 18, 2018 12:19:55 PM
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
URI scheme is not "file"

The project is valid (compiles + runs using SBT in command line) otherwise.

Since IntelliJ can't dump the project structure, it's unable to import libraries in my code, thus rendering the IDE useless.


  • As @y.bedrov said, solution was :

    Issue should be fixed since 2018.3.519 version:

    You could get nightly build here:

    • Subscribe to nightly build
    • update Scala plugin for Intellij to a version higher than 2018.3.519
    • Refresh project