I'm looking to transform a set of ordered values into a new dataset containing all ordered combinations.
For example, if I have a dataset that looks like this:
Code Rank Value Pctile
1250 1 25 0
1250 2 32 0.25
1250 3 37 0.5
1250 4 51 0.75
1250 5 59 1
I'd like to transform it to something like this, with values for rank 1 and 2 in a single row, values for 2 and 3 in the next, and so forth:
Code Min_value Min_pctile Max_value Max_pctile
1250 25 0 32 0.25
1250 32 0.25 37 0.5
1250 37 0.5 51 0.75
1250 51 0.75 59 1
It's simple enough to do with a handful of values, but when the number of "Code" families is large (as is mine), I'm looking for a more efficient approach. I imagine there's a straightforward way to do this with a data step, but it escapes me.
Looks like you just want to use the lag()
data want ;
set have ;
by code rank ;
min_value = lag(value) ;
min_pctile = lag(pctile) ;
rename value=max_value pctile=max_pctile ;
if not first.code ;
max_ max_ min_ min_
Obs Code Rank value pctile value pctile
1 1250 2 32 0.25 25 0.00
2 1250 3 37 0.50 32 0.25
3 1250 4 51 0.75 37 0.50
4 1250 5 59 1.00 51 0.75