I have an app that is crashing with no error tracing. I can see part of what is going on if I debug, but can't figure out which object is "zombie-ing".
Does anybody know how to enable NSZombie in Xcode 4?
Environment variables are now part of the "scheme".
To edit the scheme and turn on zombies:
In the "Product" menu, select "Scheme" > "Edit Scheme...".
Go to the "Run Foo.app" stage in the left panel, and the "Arguments" tab on the right.
Add NSZombieEnabled
to the "Environment Variables" section and set the value to YES
, as you could in Xcode 3.
In Xcode 4.1 and above, there's also a checkbox on the "Diagnostics" tab of the "Run" stage to "Enable Zombie Objects".
With Xcode 6.4: