We have install pod file for fabric and crashlytics and imported in the app delegate. Fabric.with([Crashlytics.self, Branch.self]) in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function. It's working fine. But I want to print which action could be clicked by the user. Eg) Clicked Login Button.
I saw we can call this function, But where can i call this?
func write(string: String) {
CLSLogv("%@", getVaList([string]))
we won't be able to find the line of code from this crash
How to print custom logs in fabric? Which default function get called while getting crash?
You can create CrashLogger
class with logEvent function which takes eventName as String
and data dictionary which is [String: CustomStringConvertible]
format to pass any relevant info to Crashlytics
import Crashlytics
final class CrashLogger {
static let shared = CrashLogger()
private init() { }
func logEvent(_ event: String, withData data: [String: CustomStringConvertible]) {
let dataString = data.reduce("Event: \(event): ", { (result, element: (key: String, value: CustomStringConvertible)) -> String in
return result + " (" + element.key + ": " + String(describing: element.value) + " )"
private func logEvent(_ message: String) {
CLSLogv("%@", getVaList([message]))
Now you can call this logEvent
method whenever you want to log the custom event in Crashlytics and it will be available in logs section when you view any crash in Firebase.
How to use: for example addToCart
function in eCommerce application:
func addToCard(_ product: Product) {
CrashLogger.logEvent("addToCart", withData: ["productId": product.id, "productName": product.name)
//do further processing like update cart item count etc.
Refer Crashlytics custom logging docs for further info.