I have some $customObject which is an instance of CustomClass and I want to validate it with Symfony Validation. CustomClass is not a Doctrine Entity Class.
Here is my CustomClass:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class SomeClass {
* @Assert\NotBlank(message="Status should not be empty")
* @Assert\Choices({"200", "201"})
protected $status;
* @Assert\Type("string")
* @Assert\NotBlank(message="Content should not be empty")
protected $content;
Trying to validate it:
$constraints = Validation::createValidator()->validate($customObject);
But constraints count is always 0 even if object is invalid, seems like annotation parser ignores this object annotations. Working well on Doctrine entities in the same project. Any ideas?
You need to get the Validator service :
without autowiring
$validator = $this->get('validator');
with autowiring
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
public function myMethod(ValidatorInterface $validator)
And then
$errors = $validator->validate($customObject);
Do you have in your config :
validation: { enable_annotations: true }
See more info here : https://symfony.com/doc/current/validation.html#using-the-validator-service