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How to validate not Doctrine Entity Object

I have some $customObject which is an instance of CustomClass and I want to validate it with Symfony Validation. CustomClass is not a Doctrine Entity Class.

Here is my CustomClass:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class SomeClass {
    * @Assert\NotBlank(message="Status should not be empty")
    * @Assert\Choices({"200", "201"})
    protected $status;

    * @Assert\Type("string")
    * @Assert\NotBlank(message="Content should not be empty")
    protected $content;

Trying to validate it:

$constraints = Validation::createValidator()->validate($customObject);

But constraints count is always 0 even if object is invalid, seems like annotation parser ignores this object annotations. Working well on Doctrine entities in the same project. Any ideas?


  • You need to get the Validator service :

    without autowiring

    $validator = $this->get('validator');

    with autowiring

    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
    public function myMethod(ValidatorInterface $validator)

    And then

    $errors = $validator->validate($customObject);

    Do you have in your config :

        validation: { enable_annotations: true }

    See more info here :