I have an issue with adding html show up in my WiX bundle. Have you any idea how to make it?
First way i have resolved is using internal WiX dll WixShellExec
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[InputResourcesDir]index.html" />
<CustomAction Id="OpenHtmlPage" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" />
<Custom Action='OpenHtmlPage' After='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>
<Directory Id="InputResourcesDir" Name="resource">
<Component Id="index.html" Guid="{EE71FB84-2328-474E-9E5C-A29D2AD6EFD5}">
<File Id="filEE71FB842328474E9E5CA29D2AD6EFD5"
Source="$(var.project.path)/$(var.project.resourceDir)/index.html" />
<Feature Id>
<ComponentRef Id="index.html"/>
but this way has a problem, bcs html page is opened by default application (Notepad, Sublime, Chrome etc) that obviosly maybe will not be a browser.