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validation File size constraint from value in configuration file

I'm using the default assert File :

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @Assert\File(
     *  mimeTypes={
     *          "application/pdf",
     *          "image/jpeg",
     *          "image/pjpeg",
     *  },
     *  mimeTypesMessage="The file format is not correct",
     *  maxSize="1M",
     * )

     * @var File $file
    private $file;

I verify if the file size is less the 1M . But what if i want to create a configuration in a config file like:

//yml file
max_size_file : 1

and use the value in the assertion.

I know that is need to create a custom validation as service and inject the container to get the config value from the parameters or config file .it 's seems something like :

private $file 

any help please .

Thank you in advance .


  • Here is the solution :

    first let's make a config value in the parameter file :

    max_file_size_upload: 2 // the unit is MEGABYTE

    the unit value is MB , so check the factorizeSize methd in FileSizeValidator if you wanna custom your own logic

    To implement a custom validator , symfony offer you to create a class for the constraint and to other one for the validation of the constraint , so let's first create the constraint class:

    namespace Acme\AppBundleBundle\Service\Validation;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
         * the Max file size upload constraint
         * @Annotation
         * Class FileSize
         * @package Acme\AppBundle\Service\Validation
        class FileSize extends Constraint
             * @var string the message error if the file {{size}} uploaded is greater than {{limit}}
             * {{size}} the file upload size
             * {{limit}} max_file_size_upload in the parameters.(env).yml
             * in case of custom the error message, add the maxSizeMessage attribute the the assertion :
             * @example :
             *           maxSizeMessage= "you custom message ({{ size }} ). you custom message  {{ limit }} ."
            public $maxSizeMessage = 'The file is too large ({{ size }} M). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} M.';

    the validator class of the constraint :

    namespace Acme\AppBundle\Service\Validation;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException;
         * Class FileSizeValidator
         * @package Acme\AppBundle\Service\Validation
        class FileSizeValidator extends ConstraintValidator
            const CONVERT_MB_TO_B = "MBTOB";
            const CONVERT_B_TO_MB = "BTOMB";
            private $_maxFileSizeUpload;
            public function __construct($maxFileSizeUpload)
                $this->_maxFileSizeUpload = $maxFileSizeUpload;
             * @param mixed $value
             * @param Constraint $constraint
            public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
                if (!$constraint instanceof FileSize) {
                    throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__.'\FileSize');
                if($value instanceof UploadedFile){
                    if($this->_maxFileSizeUpload < $this->factorizeSize($value->getClientSize())){
                            ->setParameter('{{ size }}', $this->factorizeSize($value->getClientSize(),self::CONVERT_B_TO_MB))
                            ->setParameter('{{ limit }}', $this->_maxFileSizeUpload)
             * @param $size
             * @param string $convert
             * @return float|int
            protected function factorizeSize($size,$convert =self::CONVERT_MB_TO_B){
                $size = intval($size);
                if($convert == self::CONVERT_MB_TO_B){
                    return $size*pow(10,6);
                    return intval($size/pow(10,6));

    The validator should be declared as service to inject the parameter value , so we need to add it in the service.yml :

        class: Acme\AppBundle\Service\Validation\FileSizeValidator
        arguments: [%max_file_size_upload%]
          - name: validator.constraint_validator
            alias: file_size_correct

    The alias : file_size_correct is the value tha your method validateBy sould return in the FileSize Class , because your Validator is now service , if not , your constraint can't find the Validator class . see the official doc [here][1]


    use the constraint :

         * @MyAssert\FileSize()
         * @var File $file
        protected $file;

    hope this help you .