I have to solve this problem with PHP and DomDocument (also simplexml could be OK). I've googled alot but not found a right example to learn how to do:
I have the following eBay XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
<Quantity> int </Quantity>
<SKU> SKUType (string) </SKU>
<StartPrice> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
<Version> string </Version>
and I need to clone (actually 4 times) the <InventoryStatus>
Node with all its subnodes:
<ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
<Quantity> int </Quantity>
<SKU> SKUType (string) </SKU>
<StartPrice> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
and append just under the current Node
Can pls give some hints
DOMDocument is much better at handling things like this and can just clone nodes with cloneNode()
, passing true
does a deep clone which will copy the content as well. You can then add the node back in where you need it...
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$is = $dom->getElementsByTagName("InventoryStatus");
echo $dom->saveXML();