Recently AWS announced that Cloudwatch alarms can use Math Expressions on metrics. I decided to create an alarm that compares the SUM of 2 single metrics with a given threshold. This means that according to AWS documentation my expression should be SUM([m1,m2]), where m1 and m2 are 2 single metrics. I also decided to implement this idea using a cloudformation template (in yaml). Here's the Cloudwatch alarm definition:
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
- !Ref BillingAlertTopic
AlarmDescription: String
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
EvaluationPeriods: 1
- Id: m1
- Name: ServiceName
Value: AmazonEC2
- Name: Currency
Value: USD
MetricName: EstimatedCharges
Namespace: AWS/Billing
Period: 86400
Stat: Maximum
ReturnData: False
- Id: m2
- Name: ServiceName
Value: AmazonCloudwatch
- Name: Currency
Value: USD
MetricName: EstimatedCharges
Namespace: AWS/Billing
Period: 86400
Stat: Maximum
ReturnData: False
- Id: Expr1
Expression: SUM([m1,m2])
Label: Yeap
Threshold: 100
TreatMissingData: ignore
The single metrics , m1 and m2 , have to do with the billing cost of EC2 and Cloudwatch service. What I want to check is if the charging cost for these 2 services has crossed the threshold of 100$. (Note that since the billing costs are exclusively stored in the N.Virginia region, I tried to deploy the above template in N.Virginia). During the deployment of this template Cloudformation responds with the following error:
"Invalid metrics list (Service: AmazonCloudWatch; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: c0748047-0378-11e9-ac36-5b1829988d18)"
When Cloudformation says "metrics list" it refers to the definition of m1,m2, Expr1. What is even more strange is that when I use the above metrics-list definition from aws cli the charging data return successfully:
aws cloudwatch get-metric-data --metric-data-queries file://./metric-data.json --start-time 2018-12-03T03:00:00Z --end-time 2018-12-10T04:30:00Z
,where metric-data.json is the above metrics-list.
For creating my template I used the following guides: and
Do you have any idea why Cloudformation returns this error? Thanks!
must start with a lowercase letter, change Expr1
to expr1
From docs:
You can change the value of Id. It can include numbers, letters, and underscore, and must start with a lowercase letter.