I'm use oracle 12c with a user u1. With user u1 I create table T1 like this,
CREATE table T1(
id number(11) DEFAULT T1_SEQ.nextval PRIMARY KEY ,
name varchar2(255)
Now I want to export the schema to others, and use below command to export
expdp u1/password dumpfile=u1.dmp schemas=u1
, but when others use u1.dmp to import the schema with a new user named u2,
impdp u2/password remap_schema=u1:u2 DUMPFILE=u1.DMP TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE
error happend, beacause default value of table T1 column id add U1 as prefix.
and here is the new create table statement
CREATE table T1(
id number(11) DEFAULT U1.T1_SEQ.nextval PRIMARY KEY ,
name varchar2(255)
How can I remove the U1's influence while I want to move one schema to another schema. Could you give me some suggestions? Thanks in advance!.
this is a known and ongoing issue according to Ask Tom.
So You can,