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WordPress Gutenberg: This block contains unexpected or invalid content

I am creating very simple text block. The block works fine when I add this for the first time. If I refresh the page and try to edit the block it show me the message "This block contains unexpected or invalid content.". I have tried to disable htmlvalidation check but that doesn't help. Also, after I click on resolve: the current block and after conversion block contain same code.

This is my index.js file code

 * Block dependencies
import icon from './icon';
import './style.css';

 * Internal block libraries
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { RichText } = wp.editor;

 * Register block
export default registerBlockType(
        title: __('Bizbike Small Description', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        description: __('Default title', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        category: 'common',
        icon: 'text',
        keywords: [
            __('Text', 'jsforwpblocks'),
            __('Call to Action', 'jsforwpblocks'),
            __('Message', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        attributes: {
            message: {
                type: 'array',
                source: 'children',
                selector: '.message-body',
        supports: {
            // html: false,
            className: false,
            customClassName: false,
            html: false,
            htmlValidation: false,
        edit: props => {
            const { attributes: { message }, className, setAttributes } = props;
            const onChangeMessage = message => { setAttributes({ message }) };
            return (
                <div id="small-text" className={className}>
                        placeholder={__('Place the title', 'jsforwpblocks')}
        save: props => {
            const { attributes: { message } } = props;
            return (
                    <div class="commute text-center">



  • You are getting error because your HTML nodes of edit function doesn't match up with save function HTML nodes.

    on edit function you have -

    <div id="small-text" className={className}>

    on save function you have one extra div-

      <div class="commute text-center">