I created an model using php artisan make:model Transaction -a
, so it generated a migration, factory, and resource controller for the model too. Everything working as expected, but I realized this in controller code:
* Display the specified resource.
* @param \App\Transaction $transaction
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show(Transaction $transaction)
* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* @param \App\Transaction $transaction
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit(Transaction $transaction)
Looks like it's expecting an model instance in show()
and edit()
methods, what seems to be a helper to return the view, but how can I integrate this in web routing?
English isn't my native language.
if your route is administração/transações/{transaçõe}
and your model is Transaction then laravel doesn't know what to do with it!
so to make it work, there are two ways:
you have to bind it explicity according to this link:
add Route::model('transaçõe', App\Transaction::class);
to boot()
method of your RouteServiceProvider as follows:
public function boot()
Route::model('transaçõe', App\Transaction::class);
OR you change the route to administração/transações/{transaction}