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HTML-specific section in bookdown

I am using bookdown in R. I have some sections I only want to appear in the HTML (gitbook) version (and not the PDF version).

I know about is_html_output(), but that doesn't appear to be what I want, and doesn't work except for very simple bits of text. So this works:

`r if (knitr:::is_html_output())'
## Some text {-}

Things to say to HTML readers.

But this doesn't (does not compile) because of the tick in don't :

`r if (knitr:::is_html_output())'
## Some text {-}

Things I don't want to say to PDF readers.

And any R code I wish to place in the chunk fails too.

So while I can use is_html_output(), it very much restricts what I can do.

Is there an easy way to have some text--whole sections, and other large amounts--only visible in the HTML version?

Seems simple... but I can't find a solution. Thanks for help.



  • You may consider using child documents, e.g.,

    ```{r, child = if (knitr::is_html_output()) 'child.Rmd'}

    Then you can write arbitrary content in child.Rmd.