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custom pipe for list filtering from two dates in angular 5

I have a custom pipe for list filtering by date and it works without arguments

<tr *ngFor="let account of  accounts | customRangeFilter">

  name: 'customRangeFilter'
export class CustomRangeFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value, arg1?:Date, arg2?:any,) {
    if(!arg1 || !arg2){

    return value;

      let startDate = new Date(arg1);
      let endDate = new Date(arg2);
      let a = value.filter(
        m => new Date( >= startDate && new Date( <= endDate
      return a;


I want it to work with 2 arguments to filter but by placing the arguments I get this error

  <tr *ngFor="let account of  accounts | customRangeFilter :'{{startDate}}':'{{endDate}}'">

        Uncaught Error: Template parse errors:
    Can't bind to '*ngFor' since it isn't a known property of 'tr'. ("
        <tr [ERROR ->]*ngFor="let account of  accounts | customRangeFilter :'{{startDate}}':'{{endDate}}'">

I know that the variables endDate and startDate work because I get their data if I put it in the html, what is the problem?


  • Your issue is with the way you put your parameters. Remove the expression brackets from your params and have them be:

    <tr *ngFor="let account of accounts | customRangeFilter :'startDate':'endDate'">