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How to skip over closing braces / brackets / parentheses in PyCharm?

I can't get the auto-indentations to work properly unless I use the automatic closing of braces, et al (which I don't like), and I see no option allowing one to skip over/out.

Eclipse has a configuration option for this, and Visual Studio doesn't auto-close everything by default, but rather formats the code block after manually entering the closing brace (which I rather prefer).

Surely there's something apart from going all the way over to the "End" key?

Edit / update:

As I consider it bad form to leave a question without a marked answer, would someone with more recent experience with PyCharm (I haven't used it in quite some time) weigh in with a recommendation for the best among the below solutions? Perhaps there's a newer configuration option or simple solution not yet listed?


  • Shift + Enter will jump past completions and drop you onto the next line.

    Ctrl + ] will jump to the end of the current element.

    This seems to work in most cases to skip past auto-completions. I find it the most versatile of the options.

    Ctrl + [ will jump you to the start of whatever code block you are in.

    As previously mentioned Ctrl + Shift + Enter will add any extra auto-completions you might need and drop onto a new line.