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I am creating an inventory system in Python for my employer, should I store inventory information in an SQLite database?

I have begun creating an inventory system in Python for my employer. I have the frontend GUI mostly complete and have questions about the backend.

How should I store the information?

The program will be located in a dropbox folder that can be accessed by multiple people at once. Should I use an SQLite database, and upon executing functions such as "add stock", open a connection, execute the change, and close the connection? Will this allow multiple users to have the inventory open at once? Are there better ways to handle this?

There won't be a lot of inventory items. Would it be better to use python objects and object methods to store and manipulate the information?


  • You can manipulate an sqlite database pretty easily with Python.

    import sqlite3 as sql
    class SQLManiuplator:
      def __init__(self, fp=None):
        path = fp
        if not fp:
          path = "example.db"
        self.path = path
      def add_item_to_inventorytable(self, item):
        with sql.connect(self.path) as conn: # close automatically
            c = conn.cursor()
            # Use '?' substitution to sanitize inputs per sqlite3 docs
            INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?)''', item)
      # More CRUD functions

    You can built a pretty CRUD api with this pattern and map the operations to your GUI. From a design standpoint, it then falls to you to decide what operations you are willing to expose to your users. For example I don't suppose you will want to make CREATE TABLE available to users so I didn't include that. (But this means you would have to manually create tables and define what columns exist in them.)

    You already said that this would be a pretty lightweight inventory system, but it should go without saying that at enterprise scale this solution is a loser.