I can't seem to find a question on this, but I'm having issues maintaining PEP8 because of a module I've imported.
I'm using the TextGridTools (tgt) module to parse TextGrid files, format for annotating spoken audio files. The problem is it has functions with ghastly long names such as get_annotations_between_timepoints
Because I'm using it inside a class method with loops, conditionals, and a list comprehension, it's already significantly indented:
def align_intervals(self):
print('Aligning intervals...')
brk = self.brk_intervals
all_atts = self.all_attributes
word_list = []
for i in range(len(brk)):
if i == 0:
word_list.append([att.get_annotations_between_timepoints(0, brk[0].time) for att in all_atts])
word_list.append([att.get_annotations_between_timepoints(brk[i-1].time, brk[i].time) for att in all_atts])
return word_list
Any suggestions?
You can break the line between parentheses with no ill effects. In fact, the official PEP-8 docs say as much:
The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces. Long lines can be broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in parentheses. These should be used in preference to using a backslash for line continuation.
def align_intervals(self):
print('Aligning intervals...')
brk = self.brk_intervals
all_atts = self.all_attributes
word_list = []
for i in range(len(brk)):
if i == 0:
0, brk[0].time
) for att in all_atts
brk[i - 1].time, brk[i].time
) for att in all_atts
return word_list
An alternative would be to alias the long functions with a shorter local variable:
get_tpts = att.get_annotations_between_timepoints
Then use that alias where needed.