So, I'm new to gtk and I'm trying to make a login form and I need username and password to be send both when button "Submit" is pressed. How can I do this? My code:
const void button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget,gpointer data)
const gchar* text;
text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(data));
entry_username = gtk_entry_new();
entry_password = gtk_entry_new();
submit_button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Sumbit");
How can I make the submit_button function to recive text from entry_username and entry_password? Thanks!
In gtk for situations like this it would be best to pass a structure which contains the widget's as members to the callback function...
typedef struct MainWindow
GtkWidget *entry_username, *entry_password;
int main(
MAINWINDOW *mainwindow = malloc(sizeof(MAINWINDOW));
mainwindow->entry_username = gtk_entry_new();
mainwindow->entry_password = gtk_entry_new();
const void button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget,gpointer data)
MAINWINDOW *mainwindow = data;
//now you have both the widget's
// modify em as per your wish :)
this is a very rough example. but something like this should work for your case.