i have been trying to use 'strftime()' with '%j' to get the current day's number of the year (0-365):
daynow = ("%d"% (datetime.day))
daynum = (time.strftime("%j", time.gmtime(daynow)))
print (daynum)
but returns: Exception has occurred: TypeError %d format: a number is required, not getset_descriptor
what does this mean, what is a getset_descriptor and how can i fix this?
Try the below code to get day of the month, day of the year and week of the year :
from datetime import datetime,date
today = datetime.now()
day_of_the_month = ("%d"% (today.day))
day_of_year = today.timetuple().tm_yday
week_of_the_year = today.isocalendar()[1]