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Angular 2+ material mat-chip-list formArray validation

How do I validate that a mat-chip has been added to the mat-chip-list. I am using ReactiveForms. I have tried with the required validator.

The value can be a list of names, so I need to make sure that there is atleast 1 name in my list of names before I can submit the form. If the list is empty then mat-error should display the error message. Using the required validator makes the form invalid, regardless of adding names to the list.

EDIT: Reactive Forms

I have tried to make a custom validator, and I am now using Reactive Forms instead of Template driven forms, but I cannot get it to work. I have edited the below code to reflect my changes and I have created this


<form [formGroup]="myForm">
  <mat-form-field class="example-chip-list">
    <mat-chip-list #chipList formArrayName="names">
      <mat-chip *ngFor="let name of myForm.get('names').controls; let i=index;"
        (removed)="remove(myForm, i)">
        <mat-icon matChipRemove *ngIf="removable">cancel</mat-icon>

       <input placeholder="Names"
          (matChipInputTokenEnd)="add($event, asset)">
    <mat-error>Atleast 1 name need to be added</mat-error>


import {COMMA, ENTER} from '@angular/cdk/keycodes';
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {FormGroup, FormControl, FormBuilder, FormArray} from '@angular/forms';
import {MatChipInputEvent} from '@angular/material';

  selector: 'chip-list-validation-example',
  templateUrl: 'chip-list-validation-example.html',
  styleUrls: ['chip-list-validation-example.css'],
export class ChipListValidationExample {
  public myForm: FormGroup;

  // name chips
  visible = true;
  selectable = true;
  removable = true;
  addOnBlur = true;
  readonly separatorKeysCodes: number[] = [ENTER, COMMA];

  // data
  data = {
    names: ['name1', 'name2']

  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {
    this.myForm ={
      names: this.fb.array(, this.validateArrayNotEmpty)

  initName(name: string): FormControl {
    return this.fb.control(name);

  validateArrayNotEmpty(c: FormControl) {
    if (c.value && c.value.length === 0) {
      return { 
        validateArrayNotEmpty: { valid: false }
    return null;

  add(event: MatChipInputEvent, form: FormGroup): void {
    const input = event.input;
    const value = event.value;

    // Add name
    if ((value || '').trim()) {
      const control = <FormArray>form.get('names');

    // Reset the input value
    if (input) {
      input.value = '';

  remove(form, index) {


  • The problem is that the chipList's errorState isn't set to true when the chipList's FormArray status is INVALID.

    I'm facing the same problem and don't know why this isn't working out of the box or how this can be achieved implicitly with the chipList's form being a FormArray.

    As a workaround you can listen to status changes from the FormArray and set the chipList's errorState manually:

    @ViewChild('chipList') chipList: MatChipList;
    ngOnInit() {
        status => this.chipList.errorState = status === 'INVALID'