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IBM iSeries Frontend Development

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the IBM i5 series emulator (looks like this poop)

My company uses this religiously and there is no Biz logic in it so anytime somone in our finance dpt makes a human error it accepts it and adds it to the database. Not to mention its ugly, hard to use, not intuitive, etc....

I would like to create a frontend for this interface so that we can control the logic before its submitted to the system (we dont control the system itself) so in effect I need to make my own emulator app.

However I cant seem to find any information on how to interface with the i series, namely login, send commands, and view or gather data from the screens it would normally send back.

Any suggestions?


  • The problem is not the iSeries but the software package your company is running on it.

    There ARE advantages to use green screens: it's fast and it's almost unbeatable at data entry, provided you get used to it.

    But to answer your question, the iSeries is a J2EE enabled machine: a HTTP server comes installed and depending of the version of the iSeries, WebSphere might be already installed, or are entitled to install it. Then you can use JT400, which is the java toolkit for the os400 containing the jdbc drivers to connect the database and the necessary classes for calling programs.

    If you prefer php, there is a flavor of the Zend framework made to work on the iSeries but I never tried it.