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How to limit/clean my DLLs from Appdata\Local\assembly\tmp

I have a VB.Net Word AddIn project, and at some customer's computers, I'm getting complaints of the %LocalAppData%/assembly filling up with my application's DLLs.

It's mostly the tmp subfolder, but also the dl3.

I just wonder if this is something that is caused by environment setup specifics at the customer's site, of if there's something I can do to resolve it in my code.

Whatever the cause, I hope to find a solution other than telling the customer to just "Run disk-cleanup on the affected pc's".

Here's a sample list of content in the tmp subfolder, some assembly names have been changed though, so as not to expose other software running at the client's pc.

(Sorry about the pastebin thing, but it's >1400 lines, so it wouldn't fit here...)

My assembly named MyApplication.DLL is grossly overrepresented. Like 5:1 or more. In this case it's about 1.7 GB of the folder's total of 2.45 GB. I have reports of this being over 5 GB in some cases.


  • This can't be managed in code.

    That's my conclusion so far.