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How to pass a value from html to be use from other component functions Typescript

I have a dropdown and I want to pass the Id of the selected value ($ in other component functions.

 <div class="dropdown  ml-auto">
   <select  (change)=getSelectedVariantProject($>
      <option value = "default">Select project</option>
      <option *ngFor = "let project of selectProject" value = {{project.projectId}}>{{project.projectName}}</option>

I have project service with these two functions:

getProjects(): Observable<any>{
    return this.http.get<Project>(this.urlProject)

  getProjectVariant(id: number): Observable<any>{
    var url = this.urlProjectVariant;
    url = url + id;
    return this.http.get<ProjectVariant>(url)

And I have table component in which I need the id value from HTML in argument projectVariantId :

export class TablesComponent implements OnInit {

  filters: MisraLint;
  pageMisraMessages: PageMisraLintTable;
  selectedPage : number = 0;
  buildId: number = 1;
  sizeTableEntries: number = 100;
  page: any;

  constructor(private misraService: MisraService) { }

  getFilters(): void{  
      .subscribe(filters => this.filters = filters);

  getPageMisra(page:number,projectVariantId: number,size:number,buildId:number): void{
    this.misraService.getPageMisraLint(page,projectVariantId, size,buildId)
      .subscribe(pageMisra => {
        this.pageMisraMessages = pageMisra
        console.log("Misra meessgaes: " + pageMisra.content)


  getMisraLintByFilters(page: number, projectVariantId: number, size:number, filter: string)
       //call rest API to apply filters
   .subscribe(pageMisra => {
     this.pageMisraMessages = pageMisra

  ngOnInit() {

I don't know how to do this. How to pass $ because I need this value as an argument of other component functions(in typescript) when the users choose something from the dropdown.


  • Approach 1.) If you are using other component on same page than

    In component.ts

    selectedProject = null;
     this.selectedProject = id;

    in component.html

    <app-other-component selectedProject="selectedProject"></app-other-component>

    in otherComponent.ts

    @Input() selectedProject;

    Approach 2.) OR other component is on other page than you can use service.

    In component

    constructor(private someService: SomeService) {
         this.someService.selectedProject = id;

    in otherComponent.ts

    constructor(private someService: SomeService) {