I am trying to create a MSI installer for asp.net core as a windows service.
I was successful in creating the window service which host asp.net core application by using below links
1) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/windows-service?view=aspnetcore-2.2
But I want to create a MSI file(Visual Studio Installer) which will be installed by end user. I will not be able to use third party installer i.e. Wix,Advance Installer etc.
Can anybody guide/help me how will I create a MSI file when installed it will automatically start the window service or I am looking in wrong direction?
WiX: Visual Studio Installer projects have many limitations, you really should try WiX - which is free - or another commercial tool. See list of major tools here. There are links in that overview to a list of Visual Studio Installer project limitations.