I've deployed a Django application using Apache2 and have been struggling with Celery configuration.
I used systemd for daemonization of celery and celery_beat as stated in celery documentation. It was sort of working with this configuration (which is not advised for production)
ExecStart=/path/to/celery/bin/ -A proj worker
ExecStart=/path/to/celery/bin/ -A proj beat
But I couldn't get the "official" configuration working, something like this:
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '${CELERY_BIN} multi start ${CELERYD_NODES} \
-A ${CELERY_APP} --pidfile=${CELERYD_PID_FILE} \
Service was running but scheduled tasks didn't execute.
I've read this article (Celery 4 Periodic Tasks on Medium) advising to use supervisord. That's what I did, and my configuration files look like this
command=/path/to/celery/bin/-A proj worker -l info
So it's actually the same command as disadvised in Celery documentation.(Though for both configurations I correctly set up project dir, user and group, etc). However everything is going smoothly.
So in the end, my question is: does this actually respect good practices ? According to this piece of documentation supervisord handles daemonization but I'm actually not sure I got it right.
Generally speaking, I'd recommend using multi. The reason to use multi is that multi offers a syntax to allow you to gracefully start, stop, or restart celery workers. That said, if you don't need that functionality or you have a good way to handle start, stop, and restart with supervisord without using multi, go ahead and do it the way you did.
Here is the sample recommended configuration for celery beat with supervisord.