I am trying to create a game where you choose how many players there will be, name those players, and then one player is chosen at random.
From there, that chosen player would pick a number in between 1 and 10 that they DON'T want to land on.
Then, the dice rolls and if they land on that number, everyone else gets to pick a dare for him/her. If it doesn't, the game just randomly picks another player and the process begins again.
The problem is though, the program doesn't get past the part where it asks you which number you don't want to land on. This is weird, as it works fine with one person.
Here is the full code, you are looking for line 23:
# Pass Or Dare
from random import randint
firsttry = True
def playerpicked(list):
listwords = len(list)
numpicked = randint(0, listwords - 1)
userpicked = list[numpicked]
return userpicked
while firsttry:
playercount = int(input('How many players will there be?\n'))
except ValueError:
print("That isn't a number. Please enter a number without decimals.")
firsttry = False
playernames = [input("Name of Player {}: ".format(i)) for i in range(1, playercount + 1)]
while True:
playerturn = playerpicked(playernames)
print("The Player picked is:",playerturn)
while True:
darenum = int(input(playerturn + ", which number do you NOT want to land on?\n"))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number.")
if darenum > 10 or darenum < 1:
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 10.\n")
print("Okay. Rolling the dice...")
numpick = randint(1, 10)
print("The number chosen is " + str(numpick) + ".")
if numpick == darenum:
print("Whoops! The number you chose was the one that we landed on! Everyone agree on a dare for " + playerturn + "!\n\n")
input("Press Enter once " + playerturn + " has done a dare...\n")
print(playerturn + " has escaped! Moving on to the next person.\n\n")
Your original code, with errors sinalization (read the code's comments):
# Pass Or Dare
from random import randint
firsttry = True
def playerpicked(list):
listwords = len(list)
numpicked = randint(0, listwords - 1)
userpicked = list[numpicked]
return userpicked
while firsttry:
playercount = int(input('How many players will there be?\n'))
except ValueError:
print("That isn't a number. Please enter a number without decimals.")
firsttry = False
playernames = [input("Name of Player {}: ".format(i)) for i in range(1, playercount + 1)]
while True:
playerturn = playerpicked(playernames)
print("The Player picked is:",playerturn)
while True:
darenum = int(input(playerturn + ", which number do you NOT want to land on?\n"))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number.")
else: #there is no if for this else
if darenum > 10 or darenum < 1:
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 10.\n")
break #this break would break the while True above
print("Okay. Rolling the dice...")
numpick = randint(1, 10)
print("The number chosen is " + str(numpick) + ".")
if numpick == darenum:
print("Whoops! The number you chose was the one that we landed on! Everyone agree on a dare for " + playerturn + "!\n\n")
input("Press Enter once " + playerturn + " has done a dare...\n")
print(playerturn + " has escaped! Moving on to the next person.\n\n")
#there should be a break in here, otherwise the function would be stuck in the second while True
The fixed code, changing what I mentioned in the comments above:
# Pass Or Dare
from random import randint
firsttry = True
def playerpicked(list):
listwords = len(list)
numpicked = randint(0, listwords - 1)
userpicked = list[numpicked]
return userpicked
while firsttry:
playercount = int(input('How many players will there be?\n'))
except ValueError:
print("That isn't a number. Please enter a number without decimals.")
firsttry = False
playernames = [input("Name of Player {}: ".format(i)) for i in range(1, playercount + 1)]
while True:
playerturn = playerpicked(playernames)
print("The Player picked is:",playerturn)
while True:
darenum = int(input(playerturn + ", which number do you NOT want to land on?\n"))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number.")
if darenum > 10 or darenum < 1:
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 10.\n")
print("Okay. Rolling the dice...")
numpick = randint(1, 10)
print("The number chosen is " + str(numpick) + ".")
if numpick == darenum:
print("Whoops! The number you chose was the one that we landed on! Everyone agree on a dare for " + playerturn + "!\n\n")
input("Press Enter once " + playerturn + " has done a dare...\n")
print(playerturn + " has escaped! Moving on to the next person.\n\n")