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Asset images from Contentful CMS reach my Gatsby/React app, but a browser error says they are "null"

EDIT: i added the loop code.

Other variables are working fine, so the connection between Contentful and the data layer of my app is not the problem.

I can see the image asset variable including it's src in GraphiQL tool, but in my code it seems to be null. The way i understand GraphiQL, is that it queries a local data layer, so the variables are coming from Contentful just fine. This is a simplified query that i use.


This CardMedia component is in a mapping function, but the JS in that cannot be the problem because everything else works just fine, except the images. browser error

const posts = get(this, '')

{{ node }) => {
  return (
    <Grid key={node.slug}>                
          <Typography variant="headline" component="div">
          <Typography component="div">
                __html: node.mainText.childMarkdownRemark.excerpt,
         <Button href={node.slug}>
           <span>Read more</span>


  • From my understanding to your GQL app, this will be the key to your edges array, which I am supposing you are using it as posts. const posts = allContentfulBlog.edges or maybe const posts = this.props.allContentfulBlog.edges

    Thus: we will be using that to loop on our objects inside the posts array. => {
      return /* Grid */

    if you have this already, can you please provide a code snapshot to your component where you are performing this loop.


    looking at the results image, there seems like one of the nodes does not have a mainImg. thus, we will use a default image link in this case.

    in your render() method add this:

    const defaultImage =linkToYourDefaultImage;

    in your loop:

    {{ node }) => {
      return (
        <Grid key={node.slug}>                
              image={node.mainImg ? node.main.responsiveResolution.src : defaultImage}
            ......the rest of your code.............               

    changes has been made to CardMedia component, in image prop, we have examined whether the value of node.mainImg if null or not, and return the proper value such like !null ? image : defaultImage