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How do I create a file for a Visual Studio Code Extension?

I'm trying to create a file as a part of one of the commands in my extension and can't seem to get it right.

let wsedit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
const file_path = vscode.Uri.file(value + '/' + value + '.md');
wsedit.createFile(file_path, {ignoreIfExists: true});
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Created a new file: ' value + '/' + value + '.md);

value is a string input from the user. The code executes, but from what I can tell no file is being created. How do I properly create the file?


  • It seems like the vscode.Uri does not support relative paths (here is the corresponding issue). With that said you have to use an absolute path. The following snippet should work (tested on windows with vscode v1.30.0)

    const wsedit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
    const wsPath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath; // gets the path of the first workspace folder
    const filePath = vscode.Uri.file(wsPath + '/hello/');
    wsedit.createFile(filePath, { ignoreIfExists: true });
    vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Created a new file: hello/');