I'm trying to interpolate a triangle with the help of vertex coordinates.
| \
| \
| \
b|_ _ _ \c
I'm interpolating the vertices in this order (b,a),(a,c)and (c,b). Here the a,b and c are the 3 dimensional coordinates with a color value.
a = (x1,y1,z1,c1);
b = (x2,y2,z2,c2);
c = (x3,y3,z3,c3);
Structure used to compute the calculation:
struct pointsInterpolateStruct{
QList<double> x,y,z;
QList<double> r, g, b, clr;
void clear() {
Interpolation Code:
QList<double> x,y,z,clrs;
This above mentioned lists has been used to read the values from a file which contains the coordinates of a,b and c.
void interpolate();
@param1 ipts is an object for the point interpolation struct which holds the x,y,z and color
@param2 idx1 is the point A
@param 3idx2 is the point B
@return returns the interpolated values after filling the struct pointsInterpolateStruct
void GLThread::interpolate(pointsInterpolateStruct *ipts,int idx1, int idx2) {
int ipStep = 0;
double delX, imX,iX,delY,imY,iY,delZ,imZ,iZ,delClr,imC,iC;
ipStep = 5; // number of points needed between the 2 points
delX = imX = iX = delY = imY = iY = delZ = imZ = iZ = delClr = imC = iC = 0;
delX = (x.at(idx2) - x.at(idx1));
imX = x.at(idx1);
iX = (delX / (ipStep + 1));
delY = (y.at(idx2) - y.at(idx1));
imY = aParam->y.at(idx1);
iY = (delY / (ipStep + 1));
delZ = (z.at(idx2) - z.at(idx1));
imZ = z.at(idx1);
iZ = (delZ / (ipStep + 1));
delClr = (clrs.at(idx2) - clrs.at(idx1));
imC = clrs.at(idx1);
iC = (delClr / (ipStep + 1));
int i = 0;
while(i<= ipStep) {
ipts->x.append((imX+ iX * i));
ipts->y.append((imY+ iY * i));
ipts->z.append((imZ+ iZ * i));
ipts->clr.append((imC + iC * i));
Visualization of this interpolated points using OpenGL :
All the points are filled to vertices and color buffers and I'm drawing it using the below format. Visualization is very fast even for larger points.
void GLWidget::drawInterpolatedTriangle(void) {
glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, clr);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vrt);
glDrawArrays(GL_POLYGON, 0, vrtCnt);
Now everything working fine. I'm getting the desired output. But the problem is when I'm trying to do the same for 'n' number of triangles (say n = 40,000), the application gets crashed even if I called this function in a QThread and I found that this method is not an efficient method as it takes lot of time for computation.
Please suggest an optimistic way to do this process so that I can achieve better results at good performance.
Output image :
Interpolated Triangle (point view)
Mesh View
Polygon View
After examining the memory used by the application, I found that there's large number of unwanted data has been stored in the list and arrays in my program (i.e., clearing the list x,y,z,r,g,b and clrs in pointsInterpolateStruct). I have cleared all the unwanted / unused data instantly and tried to run the application with larger triangles. Now I can achieve better performance. I didn't changed anything in visualization process.