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Is it possible to replace Spring @Scope("request") with JSR-330 @Scope variant?

Or, can I bound a custom implementation of org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope interface with a specific @Scope-annotated annotation?

For example, I have customized a new scope type:

@javax.inject.Scope @Retention(RUNTIME)
@interface Conversation {}

class ConversationScope implements Scope { ... }

class ConversationScopeConfigurer extends BeanFactoryPostProcessor
    { beanFactory.registerScope("conversation", new ConversationScope()); }

Now I want to use it as,

class Topic { ... }

instead of,

class Topic { ... }

Is it possible?

Is there something like "AnnotationPostProcessor" in spring-context?


  • It seems to be possible by registering a custom scope resolver with your <context:component-scan>

    For example:

    <context:component-scan base-package="" scope-resolver="org.springframework.context.annotation.Jsr330ScopeMetadataResolver" />

    See also this example of a bridge for JSR-299 annotations if you need to customize your solution a little bit more.