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How can I merge three columns into one column according to the order of in the three columns

Could you give me an advice, please?

I have three columns, e.x.:

x     y     z
0.2   0.5   0.26
0.75  0.58  0.25
0.78  0.86  0.95
0.56  0.75  0.52
0.45  0.47  0.57
0.2   0.58  0.98

Result: And I need only one column with this sequence:

x1  0.2
y1  0.5
z1  0.26
x2  0.75
y2  0.58
z2  0.25
... 0.78

I didn´t find a similar problem... Thank You very much. I tried to use "dcast" (R) or "concat" (Python) but I am stack.


  • You can use pd.melt and create the row names you want with np.tile:

    m = df.T.melt(value_name='xyz')
    rows = np.tile(df.columns, df.shape[0])
    m['variable'] = rows.tolist() + (m.variable + 1).astype(str)
        variable   xyz
    0        x1  0.20
    1        y1  0.50
    2        z1  0.26
    3        x2  0.75
    4        y2  0.58
    5        z2  0.25
    6        x3  0.78
    7        y3  0.86
    8        z3  0.95
    9        x4  0.56
    10       y4  0.75
    11       z4  0.52
    12       x5  0.45
    13       y5  0.47
    14       z5  0.57
    15       x6  0.20
    16       y6  0.58
    17       z6  0.98

    And if you want is as index do:
