I have tried to do distributed testing with two servers for a request which requires two way SSL handshaking. This is working fine when we are not using remote hosts for testing
sh jmeter.sh -n -t sample_Load_Test/sample_test.jmx -l sample_report/Log/results.jtl -e -o sample_report/Dashboard/
Jmeter Success:
But on trying to use the remote hosts for the same jmx file, the SSL handshake is failing. I have put the same same jmeter.p12 and truststore.jks in all the servers which are used for distribute testing. Command used:
sh jmeter.sh -n -t sample_test/sample_load_test.jmx -l sample_report/Log/results.jtl -e -o sample_report/Dashboard/ -r -Jserver.rmi.ssl.disable=true
Please see the error that I am getting
Jmeter Failure:
<httpSample t="20" it="0" lt="0" ct="20" ts="1545068074631" s="false" lb="HTTP Request" rc="Non HTTP response code: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException" rm="Non HTTP response message: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"
Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong here
I can think of 2 possible causes:
Get used to look into jmeter.log and/or jmeter-server.log files - in the majority of cases you should get the reason of the failure or unexpected behavior from the log.