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Paramiko get sorted directory listing

I am able to get a directory listing from Paramiko. And with listdir_attr I get the attributes. However, I need to sort this list by filename. If it returned a list of dictionaries I could use lambda to do the sort. But with it returning a list of SFTPAttributes I can't figure out how to do the sort other than creating a new list of dictionaries containing the data I care about and sorting that list. Before doing that is there a way to get a directory listing that is sorted by filename?


  • There's no way to make SFTPClient.listdir_attr return a sorted list.

    Sorting is easy though:

    files = sftp.listdir_attr()
    files.sort(key = lambda f: f.filename)

    Or for example, if you want to sort only files by size from the largest to the smallest:

    from stat import S_ISDIR, S_ISREG
    files = [f for f in files if not S_ISDIR(f.st_mode)]
    files.sort(key = lambda f: f.st_size, reverse = True)