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parsing nested json issue

I am new here and I am parsing json which is array in side array so I can't understand how get inside array from json let me show you my json.


    "subject_list" =     (
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 4;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 17;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = " 01. Measurement";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 4;
                    "ch_id" = 23;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 4;
                    "ch_id" = 24;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 4;
                    "ch_id" = 25;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 4;
            "sub_name" = Physics;
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 8;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 26;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = " 1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 8;
                    "ch_id" = 27;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 8;
            "sub_name" = Chemistry;
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 9;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 31;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 9;
            "sub_name" = Testing;
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 10;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 28;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 10;
            "sub_name" = "Test Subject";
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 11;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 29;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 11;
            "sub_name" = "Test Subject 1";
            "con_id" = 2;
            "level_id" = 1;
            "sub_id" = 12;
            "sub_list" =             (
                    "ch_id" = 30;
                    "ch_image" = "";
                    "ch_name" = "1. Test Chapter";
                    "con_id" = 2;
                    "level_id" = 1;
                    "sub_id" = 12;
            "sub_name" = "Test Subject 2";

this is my JSON and I want sub_list array from subject_list I have done some code let me show you.


func callSubChapAPI(){
        let preferences = UserDefaults.standard
        let studentlvl = "student_lvl"
        let student_lvl = preferences.object(forKey: studentlvl) as! String
        let params = ["level_id": student_lvl]
        Alamofire.request(subListWithChapter, method: .post, parameters: params).responseJSON(completionHandler: {(response) in
            switch response.result{
            case.success(let data):

                let json  = JSON(data)
                do {
                    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                    decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                    let subjects = try decoder.decode(SubjectResponse.self, from: data as! Data)
                } catch {
            case.failure(let error):


here is my struct:

struct sub_list {
    let ch_id : Int
    let ch_image: String
    let ch_name: String
    let con_id: String
    let level_id: String
    let sub_id: String

Please see my code and json format please tell me how to get sub_list array from json please hell me and thanks in advance.


  • Actually subject_list is also an array so you need to iterate that as well.

    let data = json["subject_list"]
    data.array?.forEach({ (subject) in
         subject["sub_list"].array?.forEach({ (chapList) in
               let chapter = sub_list(ch_id: chapList["ch_id"].intValue, ch_image: chapList["ch_image"].stringValue, ch_name: chapList["ch_name"].stringValue, con_id: chapList["con_id"].stringValue, level_id: chapList["level_id"].stringValue, sub_id: chapList["sub_id"].stringValue)


    It's not worth adding any dependency for json parsing when you already have Apple provided Codable. It will reduce much of your boilerplate code added because of SwiftyJSON.

    Below is a complete example for your current api,

    struct SubjectResponse: Decodable {
        let subjectList: [Subject]
    struct Subject: Decodable {
        let subList: [Chapter]
    struct Chapter: Decodable {
        let chId : Int
        let chImage: String
        let chName: String
        let conId: Int
        let levelId: Int
        let subId: Int
    Alamofire.request(subListWithChapter, method: .post, parameters: params).responseData() { (response) in
        switch response.result {
        case .success(let data):
            do {
                let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                let subjects = try decoder.decode(SubjectResponse.self, from: data)
            } catch {
        case .failure(let error):