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Algorithm Problem: Find the longest elementary cycle in a directed graph

The problem is: given a directed graph, find the longest simple cycle in the graph. I've searched the question and found this link Finding the longest cycle in a directed graph using DFS. The answer explains this is an NP hard problem.

But I'm confused by the following algorithm, it seems to run in O(|V| + |E|) time because we visit each edge exactly once.

maintain the following variables:

(1) global max: the length of the longest cycle in the graph.
(2) Map<GraphNode, Integer> cache: stores length of the longest cycle starting from the key node.
(3) Map<GraphNode, Integer> pathVisited: stores the node visited on the path and the corresponding step number. For example, A -> B -> C -> A, if starts from A, the Map will look like {A -> 1, B -> 2, C -> 3}, and when enters A again, the step becomes 4, and thus the length of cycle is 4 - 1 = 3
(4)Set<GraphNode> visited: contains the graphNodes that have been fully explored.

dfs(GraphNode cur, int curStep, Set<GraphNode> visited, Map<GraphNode, Integer> cache, Map<GraphNode, Integer> pathVisited):
    if visited.containsKey(cur), then 
        return // if the node have been explored, no need to explore again
    // if see a cycle, update the results(cache)
    if pathVisited.containsKey(cur), then 
       newCycleLen = curStep - pathVisited.get(cur)
       cache.put(cur, max {newCycleLen, cache.get(cur)})
    // no cycle yet, continue the search
    pathVisited.put(cur, curStep)
    for each neighbor of cur:
       dfs(neighbor, curStep + 1, cache, pathVisited)
    visited.add(cur); // current node have been explored, in the future no need to visit it again.

I feel the above algorithm can solve the problem in O(|V| + |E|) time, because after fully exploring one node, we won't start dfs on that node again.

Can anyone give me some hint on why the above algorithm is wrong?


  • Consider the following graph:

         D -- A
       / |    |
      E  |    |
       \ |    |
         C -- B

    Now, imagine you start your DFS at node A and visit the nodes in the order B, then C, then D, and then E. Unless I've misinterpreted what your code is doing, I don't believe that this visitation order will allow you to discover the longest cycle A, B, C, E, D, A, since once you've visited D you've assigned it the wrong depth and cut off the path back to A.