Is it possible to create a BitmapImage from a ushort array? and if so how?
At the minute I'm creating a Bitmap, converting it to a Bitmap array and displaying it, but this is too slow, I need to continuously update the image (live video feed), while each frame is being created the UI studders, this is making my app very slow when video is running. So I need to get my ushort[] into a BitmapImage as fast as possible
Thanks, Eamonn
Assuming you're working with values between 0
and 255
you could cast it into an array of bytes and then load it into a MemoryStream
// Please note that with values higher than 255 the program will throw an exception
ushort[] values = { 200, 100, 30/*, 256*/ };
var bytes = (from value in values
select (byte)value).ToArray();
// Taken from:
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data))
var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.StreamSource = stream;
bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;