I have entities designed with peewee in Python. Before I started implementing real database, I've made several tests with in-memory databases. When I started to implement database functionality, I faced strange problem. My queries returns empty results, what more it depends if I run script or use python console.
First of all, let me proof that logic is correct. When I use python console, everything is ok:
>>> from Entities import *
>>> print (RouterSettings.select().where(RouterSettings.name=='RUT00').get().name)
As you see, everything is correct. Specific query is executed and returns result. Now the same in a script:
from Entities import *
print (RouterSettings.select().where(RouterSettings.name=='RUT00').get().name)
This one returns exception instance matching query does not exist
print (RouterSettings.select().where(RouterSettings.name=='RUT00').get().name) File "C:\Users\Kamil\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\peewee.py", line 5975, in get (clone.model, sql, params)) Entities.RouterSettingsDoesNotExist: instance matching query does not exist : SQL: SELECT "t1"."id", "t1"."name", "t1"."ip", "t1"."username", "t1"."password", "t1"."model", "t1"."phone_num", "t1"."provider", "t1"."location" FROM "routersettings" AS "t1" WHERE ("t1"."name" = ?) LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Params: ['RUT00', 1, 0]
When I was trying to debug, I've found that database was as if not created:
Please note that within debugged variables database object is null (None).
Do you have any ideas what's going on?
My Entities are defined as follows:
from peewee import *
class EnumField(IntegerField):
def __init__(self, *argv):
self.enum = []
for label in argv:
def db_value(self, value):
return self.enum.index(value)
except ValueError:
raise EnumField.EnumValueDoesnExistError(
"Value doesn\'t exist in enum set.\nMaybe you forgot to add "
"that one: " + value + "?")
def python_value(self, value):
return self.enum[value]
except IndexError:
raise EnumField.EnumValueDoesnExistError(
'No value for given id')
class EnumValueDoesnExistError(Exception):
class ModelField(EnumField):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('RUT955_Q', 'RUT955_H', 'GLiNet300M')
class ProviderField(EnumField):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('Orange', 'Play', 'Virgin')
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = SqliteDatabase('SIMail.db', pragmas={'foreign_keys': 1})
class RouterSettings(BaseModel):
name = CharField(unique=True)
ip = CharField(unique=True)
username = CharField()
password = CharField()
model = ModelField()
phone_num = IntegerField(unique=True)
provider = ProviderField()
location = CharField()
You probably are running it with a relative path to the database file, and depending on the current working directory when you're running your app vs the console, its using a different database file.