I need to programatically check the refresh date on a number of OLEDB data connections in Excel to SQL tables and views. They're all configured the same way and use the same connection string, and I'm checking them in VBA using:
However, a handful of those connections do no have a refresh date, and I don't mean that RefreshDate property returns a NULL, that property doesn't even exist. VBA throws and "application-defined or object-defined error," and when I check the connection properties, the "last refreshed" field is blank:
It's consistent for connections to those particular SQL tables and views, regardless of how I build the connection or how many times I refresh it. I'm stuck using OLEDB, and some of our machines have compatibility issues with Power Query. Does anyone know what would cause this or what I need to change, either in Excel or in SQL?
If the refreshDate
is not filled, probably you are out of luck.
As a workaround, you could keep track about the refresh by yourself. Starting point is the afterRefresh
-Event of a table. For this you have to add the following code to the Workbook
-Module (will not work with a regular module as the With Events
need a class
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents table As Excel.QueryTable
Private Sub table_AfterRefresh(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Debug.Print table.WorkbookConnection.name & " refreshed. (success: " & Success & ")"
If Success Then
Call trackRefreshDate(table.WorkbookConnection.name, Now)
End If
End Sub
Now you just need a logic to save the refresh event. In my example, I save it as name on workbook level, of course you could also save it in a (hidden) sheet. Put this into a regular module:
Sub trackRefreshDate(tableName As String)
Dim nameObj As Name, nName As String
Set nameObj = Nothing
nName = "Refresh_" & tableName
On Error Resume Next
' Check if name already exists
Set nameObj = ThisWorkbook.Names(nName)
On Error GoTo 0
Dim v
v = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy hh:MM:ss")
If nameObj Is Nothing Then
' No: Create new
Call ThisWorkbook.Names.Add(nName, v)
nameObj.Value = v
End If
End Sub
Function getRefreshDate(tableName As String)
Dim nName As String
nName = "Refresh_" & tableName
On Error Resume Next
getRefreshDate = Replace(Mid(ThisWorkbook.Names(nName), 2), """", "")
On Error GoTo 0
End Function