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Access deep object member of embeded JSON

The following function does an amazing job of retrieving a deep object key value with a dot notated string:

function getPathValue(obj, path) {
  return new Function('_', 'return _.' + path)(obj);

For example, it returns the value for a key like "bar" using the following as the path argument:


However, some API's pack additional stringified JSON into some key values.

I'm looking for an enhancement to the above function that will handle that case.

For example, Stack's own WebSocket service:


returns strings like this:

{"action":"155-questions-active","data":"{\"siteBaseHostAddress\":\"\",\"id\":53819390,\"titleEncodedFancy\":\"Should I start with webGL1 or webGL2 when using Three.js\",\"bodySummary\":\"Spent some time learning and understanding the basics of webGL and I'm now diving into Three.js.\\n\\nI noticed that I have the option of using webGL1 or webGL2. Seems as if webGL1 is the default, however ...\",\"tags\":[\"three.js\",\"webgl\"],\"lastActivityDate\":1545064508,\"url\":\"\",\"ownerUrl\":\"\",\"ownerDisplayName\":\"romanrogers\",\"apiSiteParameter\":\"stackoverflow\"}"}

And I'd like to be able to use the above function to retrieve values with an input string like:


Perhaps the input string could look something like:


where the solidus (/slash) represents a JSON.parse().

Note, this needs to be dynamic as I'd like to make it where the end user can select arbitrary keys to return values for in the general case.


  • You could check if the item from where you take a property is a string an perform a parsing. The return the value of the property.

    function getValue(object, path) {
        return path
            .reduce((o, k) => (typeof o === 'string' ? JSON.parse(o) : o)[k], object);
    var data = {"action":"155-questions-active","data":"{\"siteBaseHostAddress\":\"\",\"id\":53819390,\"titleEncodedFancy\":\"Should I start with webGL1 or webGL2 when using Three.js\",\"bodySummary\":\"Spent some time learning and understanding the basics of webGL and I'm now diving into Three.js.\\n\\nI noticed that I have the option of using webGL1 or webGL2. Seems as if webGL1 is the default, however ...\",\"tags\":[\"three.js\",\"webgl\"],\"lastActivityDate\":1545064508,\"url\":\"\",\"ownerUrl\":\"\",\"ownerDisplayName\":\"romanrogers\",\"apiSiteParameter\":\"stackoverflow\"}"};
    console.log(getValue(data, 'data.bodySummary'));


    function getValue(object, path) {
        return path
            .reduce(function (o, k) {
                return (typeof o === 'string' ? JSON.parse(o) : o)[k];
            }, object);
    var data = {"action":"155-questions-active","data":"{\"siteBaseHostAddress\":\"\",\"id\":53819390,\"titleEncodedFancy\":\"Should I start with webGL1 or webGL2 when using Three.js\",\"bodySummary\":\"Spent some time learning and understanding the basics of webGL and I'm now diving into Three.js.\\n\\nI noticed that I have the option of using webGL1 or webGL2. Seems as if webGL1 is the default, however ...\",\"tags\":[\"three.js\",\"webgl\"],\"lastActivityDate\":1545064508,\"url\":\"\",\"ownerUrl\":\"\",\"ownerDisplayName\":\"romanrogers\",\"apiSiteParameter\":\"stackoverflow\"}"};
    console.log(getValue(data, 'data.bodySummary'));