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Update statement using with clause

I have a script that uses a stack of with clauses to come up with some result, and then I want to write that result in a table. I just can't get my head around it, could someone point me in the right direction?

Here's a simplified example that indicates what i want to do:

with comp as (
  select *, 42 as ComputedValue from mytable where id = 1
update  t
set     SomeColumn = c.ComputedValue
from    mytable t
        inner join comp c on = 

The real thing has quite a few with clauses that all reference each other, so any suggestions actually using the with clause would be highly preferred over refactoring it to nested subqueries.


  • If anyone comes here after me, this is the answer that worked for me.

    NOTE: please make to read the comments before using this, this not complete. The best advice for update queries I can give is to switch to SqlServer ;)

    update mytable t
    set z = (
      with comp as (
        select b.*, 42 as computed 
        from mytable t 
        where bs_id = 1
      select c.computed
      from  comp c
      where =

    Good luck,
