I want to remove the particular column from the csv file and load it into database using mlcp.
My csv file contains:
I want to use that URI column as the uri for the document and also that uri column should be skipped/removed in the inserted document.
How to do it??
Your best bet when using MLCP and not in MarkLogic Data Hub context is using MLCP tranforms. You can find some explanation, and a few examples here:
Transforming Content During Ingestion
In case you are converting your CSV to JSON, you could use something like the following..
Save this as /strip-columns.sjs in your modules database:
/* jshint node: true */
/* global xdmp */
exports.transform = function(content, context) {
'use strict';
/* jshint camelcase: false */
var stripColumns = (context.transform_param !== undefined) ? context.transform_param.split(/,/) : [];
/* jshint camelcase: true */
// detect JSON, assumes uri has correct extension
if (xdmp.uriFormat(content.uri) === 'json') {
// Convert input to mutable object for manipulation
var newDoc = content.value.toObject();
.map(function(key) {
if (stripColumns.indexOf(key) > -1) {
delete newDoc[key];
// Convert result back into a document
content.value = newDoc;
// return updated content object
return content;
And then you'd invoke it with something like this:
mlcp.sh import -input_file_path test.csv -input_file_type delimited_text -uri_id URI -document_type json -output_uri_prefix / -output_uri_suffix .json -output_collections data,type/csv,format/json -output_permissions app-user,read -transform_module /strip-columns.sjs -transform_param URI