I'm stuck with my first dashboard project with d3, dc and crossfilter. Cannot find a solution.
I have different trading pairs in first column and from it i need to use only last pair BTC and ETH in this example.
I found the filter that helps me to do that.
The thing is I need to have BTC and ETH in my select menu which can apply filter.
function show_market_selector(ndx) {
var marketDim = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck("Market"));
var selectorMenu = marketDim.group();
function filterItems(query) {
return ndx.dimension(dc.pluck("Market")).filter(function(el) {
return el.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > 0;
var select = dc.selectMenu("#market-selector")
select.title(function (d){
return "BTC";
Now I get all pair in group in this menu. But my target is just to have BTC and ETH in the select menu.
I hope someone can give me advice. Thank you.
I think it would be easier just to use the currency as your dimension key:
var currencyDim = ndx.dimension(d => d.Market.slice(3)),
currencyGroup = marketDim.group();
var select = dc.selectMenu("#market-selector")
You don't really want to create a new dimension every time filterItems
is called - dimensions are heavy-weight indices which are intended to be kept around.
The name of dimension.filter()
is confusing - it's nothing like JavaScript's Array.prototype.filter()
, which returns the matching rows. Instead, it's an imperative function which sets the current filter for that dimension (and changes what all the other dimensions see).
If you need a "from currency" dimension, that would be
var fromCurrencyDim = ndx.dimension(d => d.Market.slice(0,3))