I have created one WCF Service (.NET Framework 4.7.2) and using the ServiceReference from the client (.NET Core 2.1) to call its methods.
My problem is that Fiddler does not trace the communication between client and web service. I have read articles about how to setup the WinHttp in Fiddler but it doesn't work. Can you suggest any other proxy application that can trace this communication with default settings?
thanks for any help
I solved the problem by replacing the localhost with the computer name
ServiceReferenceCalculator.CalculatorServiceClient cltcal = new CalculatorServiceClient();
cltcal.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("http://ComputerName/WCFServiceFrm/CalculatorServiceWCF.svc");
var ss = cltcal.GetInfoAsync("TCCClient");
Console.WriteLine("TCTExecAsync : " + Convert.ToString(ss.Result));