I try to setup an inline bot that send just 1 picture for user query.
All seems to be working, but bot doesn't show any results in app, not even switch_pm_text I give to him. I think I somehow messed with results
array? I parse all the incoming stuff from Telegram correctly, i.e. I see query ID and query itself, an image searches all right, but nothing get sent to Telegram as an answer...
Here is my code:
$search_result = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=blahblah&q='.urlencode($queue).'&num=1&searchType=image&safe=off&fileType=jpg'), TRUE);
$image = $search_result['items'][0]['link'];
$thumb = $search_result['items'][0]['image']['thumbnailLink'];
$image_to_send = array(array(
'type' => 'photo',
'id' => '1',
'photo_url' => $image,
'thumb_url' => $thumb
In my case it was switch_pm_text
parameter which somehow blocked an API request.