The current table looks like this
ID|reg_ num|student_name|maths|computer |language|total
1 |001 |james |50 |50 |50 |150
2 |002 |john |60 |50 |50 |160
3 |003 |alex |50 |70 |50 |170
4 |004 |david |50 |50 |80 |180
But i need the table in such a way that:
register_ number|subjects |marks
1 |maths |50 (again)
1 |languages|40 ....
Till all the subjects of the register_number 1 is listed out, and I need a follow up by reg_number - 2 till the number of records are found in that particular table
I am pretty sure that the [ pivot ] function to be used but don't know how to add multiple column of a particular row based on a particular [register_number] entity in the row
Thanks in advance
I think you should use unpivot try this query
select u.register_number, u.subject, u.marks
from studentmarks s
for subject in (Maths,computer,...)
) U;