I found react native could extends parent class and override some function.I want to know if it is possible or there is another way to make it.
export default class AppTextInput extends TextInput {
//here is some code I want to do
var fontSize = value.fontSize;
//change fontSize
fontSize = fontSize*2;
value.fontSize = fontSize;
//call parent set style function
In actionscript 3,I could do like this
//do something when visible was set
override public function set visible(value:Boolean):void
hasTriggleFontSizeChange = false;
realFontSize = 12;
componentWillMount() {
var tempStyle = this.props.style;
if (!this.hasTriggleFontSizeChange) {
this.hasTriggleFontSizeChange = true;
var tempFontSize = 6;
if (tempStyle.hasOwnProperty('fontSize')) {
tempFontSize = tempStyle['fontSize'];
tempFontSize = 12;
var style = {fontSize: tempFontSize};
let styles = this.props.style;
//this line can change styles fontSize Value
styles = {...styles, fontSize: tempFontSize};
//but this line can't change styles fontSize Value
this.props.style = styles//{...this.props.style, fontSize: tempFontSize};
You shouldn't use inheritance, but rather composition. If you want to have a custom TextInput, here's an example of how you could achieve that:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
export default class CustomTextInput extends Component {
state = {}
render() {
const { props } = this;
const style = { fontSize: props.fontSize || 14 }
return (
<View style={myStyle}>
placeholderTextColor={props.placeholderTextColor ? props.placeholderTextColor : colors.lightGray}
</View >