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How to return message in the WCF endpoint?

I have an endpoint:

public interface ICheck
        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "check")]
        Task GetCheckAsync();

I don't know how to return a string in the response to this endpoint. I try to return Task object but I can't instaniate it.

Question: How to return an object containing message to the requester(frontend)?


  • Try like this

    1) If you want to return an object

     public interface ICheck
        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "check")]
        Task<objectname> GetCheckAsync();

    and while defining

    public class HelloService : ICheck
        public async Task<objectname> GetCheckAsync()
           // do your operation and return the object

    2) If You Want to return a string

     public interface ICheck
        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "check")]
        Task<string> GetCheckAsync();

    and while defining

    public class HelloService : ICheck
        public async Task<string> GetCheckAsync()
           // do your operation and return the string

    For more clarification you can check the following Link for example
